Your Complete Guide to Termite Extermination

If termites manage to get to your home, they can destroy wooden structures, some of which are part of the building, without you even noticing. The more they reproduce, the more damage your home is bound to take, hence the importance of you detecting their presence at an early stage. So, how do you spot termite infestation in your house?

Start by looking for cracked or bubbled paint. Cracked paint is not necessarily a result of termites. It could be a sign of other things, like leaking water. However, it's worth checking if the cracked paint is on a wooden structure or wall, since it could be a sign of termite activity. Termites tend to break down walls, thereby leaving the paint without support.

How to get rid of termites

There are a whole lot of ways to get rid of termites without destroying your house. However, you'll first need to look at your options and consider how big your termite problem is before you settle on an extermination method. The last thing you want is the termite problem extending past your ability to exterminate them.

Expose them to the sun

Termites live their lives underground, which explains their inability to do well when it comes to sunlight. Exposing them to sunlight forces them to relocate permanently. However, this method only works with small colonies or in cases where you know the location of the colony. Luck will not be on your side if the colony has spread to places that direct sunlight can't reach.

Bringing in the cavalry

Another way to get rid of termites is by introducing different worms and nematodes. These are worms that feed on termites. However, make sure to check with your local regulations before you do so. Remember that this is another problem that you might be bringing into your home. You'll need to keep track of them and have a means of getting rid of them once the work is done.

Termite stakes

These are very effective when it comes to short-term solutions. A termite stake is about four inches long, with holes drilled on all sides. This allows the termites to enter and exit after taking the bait. The termites then get to return to their colony and transfer the toxic substance to the rest of the colony members. However, you'll need to change the stake every once in a while to make sure that you are free from termites.

For more information, call pest control services.
