A Guide to Choosing Window Treatments for Your Home Office

For you to increase your productivity when working from home, you need to create a suitable office environment. Everything about your office, including the window treatments you choose, can impact your performance. Thus, as you design or redecorate the space, choose your furniture and decide on a wall colour, pay attention to the window treatments as well. 

Here is a simple guide to help you find the best window treatments that will add curb appeal to the office and help boost your productivity.

Incorporate the Office Style

Your office window treatments don't just serve a functional purpose. They also influence the appearance of the entire room. Thus, you should work with your existing colour scheme to find blinds, shutters or shades that will add curb appeal to your room. Most people prefer to keep their office spaces neutral to create that formal feel. If you're such a person, window treatments in neutral or nude colours such as whites, blacks, greys and browns would be an ideal choice.

However, if you want to add colour and personality to the room, you can play with various bright hues and stylish patterns. You can even have dark wood shutters to give the entire room a more traditional feel. Remember to match the window treatments to the existing colour scheme and other fixtures such as your desk, daybed or sofa, and office rug.

Consider Noise-Control Window Treatments

Your home office needs to be quiet at all times to ensure maximum concentration. However, if you live in a busy neighbourhood or near the city, achieving calmness during the day may be hard. However, you can find window treatments that reduce outdoor noise. Noise reduction blinds significantly muffle outside noise. If you opt for these, choose a material that allows light as you may have to leave them closed when working.

Alternatively, you can pair blinds with heavy fabric curtains. The heavy fabric absorbs most of the noise from outside and creates a quiet environment for working. As you make your purchase, talk to the dealer about your concerns so they can recommend the best materials for noise reduction. 

Choose Treatments That Control Sunlight

While sunlight is essential for lighting your office during the day, it can be a nuisance. Mid-day sun is extremely bright, especially during the summer. It can affect your eyes as you work on your computer. Thus, you need window treatments that help you control the amount of light at different times of the day.

Roller blinds and luxaflex blinds are a good option for these. You can roll them up or midway to regulate the amount of sunlight entering the room. Consider getting motorised ones as you can operate them using a remote control. Some even come with automated sensors which automatically roll the blinds up and down to control the amount of light in your office.

Follow these tips to choose the best window treatments that will create a comfortable and productive office environment in your home.
