Why a shade sail is the right choice for your outdoor space

The Australian weather can be unpredictable, for a lot of the time it may be hot and sunny and too warm to stay outside for long. At other times an unexpected downpour occurs which leaves you running to get under cover. With weather like that it is often too warm to spend much time inside yet going outside exposes you to either harmful UV rays or heavy rain. One solution is to install shade sails for protection from the heat and to provide somewhere dry to sit if it happens to rain.

Here are four great reasons to install shade sails in your outdoor space:

Protection from UV rays

Whether you manage a school, a playground or a care facility, you will be aware that people like spending time outside. It is great for children or those in care spend time enjoying the natural environment, yet it is tiring and potentially dangerous for them to be in the sun for a prolonged period of time. Often after a short while in the sun they are far too hot to enjoy their time. A shade sail can provide the protection needed and let them remain outdoors in the shade for as long as they wish.

Effective all-weather solution 

How much use would a child usually get out of an outdoor play area? With coastal shade sails, you can not only let them play outside in the shade meaning the equipment is not too hot and gets more use, but should it begin to rain then they can continue to play unaffected by the changing weather. While most people know that shade sails protect from both rain and sun, they are not so aware of their resilience to the wind. Properly designed and fitted coastal shade sails should be able to withstand any strong winds they experience. Once the sail is under tension, then all of the creases disappear, and the sail will not flap in even the strongest winds.

Shade sails protect property

It isn't just people that can suffer from spend too long in the sun. If left in the heat for a prolonged period,  many things can age faster than you might think. Why risk furniture starting to crack and show signs of colour fade? A shade sail is a great way to prolong the life of your outdoor furniture, playground equipment or other property that you want to remain outdoors without leaving it in the sun.

Shade sails are cost-effective

Some people can be put off by the initial cost of installing a shade sail, but if you look at the amount a shade sail can save you, then they can be seen as a great investment. Shade sails are considerably cheaper to install than a similarly sized building, and they come with the added advantage of letting you stay outside in the fresh air. Shade sails prevent sun damage and the premature aging of your property meaning you save on potentially high costs of replacing furniture or equipment.

Talk to your local supply company about installing a shade sail today.
