Which Kitchen Benchtop Finish Is Easiest to Keep Clean?

All new kitchen benchtops look great when they're newly installed. To keep them looking this good for as long as possible, you want a benchtop that is easy to clean and that stays looking spotless for as long as possible. 

The finish of your benchtop impacts on its ability to deal with everyday kitchen dirt. For example, gloss and matt benchtops both have their own advantages and disadvantages here. Which finish will suit you best?

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Gloss Finish?

Benchtops with a gloss finish are easy to clean. Often, these benchtops only need a wipe down to clean them and keep them looking smooth and glossy.

However, gloss finishes do show dirt and marks more easily than other finishes. The high-gloss surface reflects light which draws attention to the benchtop itself. The glossy surface stops being so glossy when it has something on it. These benchtops don't hide a little bit of dirt; they make it stand out.

This may make the benchtop look like it hasn't been cleaned even though you've wiped it down recently. For example, if your kids have sticky fingers and touch the benchtop, then their finger marks stand out and may make the benchtop look less shiny.

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Matt Finish?

Matt finishes on kitchen benchtops tend to hide marks and dirt more effectively. Minor dirt, dust and stains won't look so obvious. If your kids touch a matt benchtop, it won't show marks unless their fingers are covered in something really gloopy that transfers to the benchtop itself.

However, matt finishes are harder to clean than gloss ones. You'll have to put a bit more effort into cleaning the benchtop than just giving it a wipe down, especially if it has a textured finish which might hold dirt in.

What Matters to You Most?

Bear in mind that your choice of finish isn't just about how well a benchtop handles dirt and cleaning. You may ultimately decide that you prefer the look of one finish over the other and will compromise to get what you want. For example, if you really want a gloss finish, then you'll be happy to clean it more often or ignore any marks it shows up.

Before you buy a benchtop, contact your kitchen designer or supplier and ask to see examples of different finishes. They can also tell you more about the pros and cons.
