Fortify Your School Premises With Stainless Steel Security Meshes

In your school premises, glass doors often pose many different risks. Children love to run around and play, and glass doors have caused accidents to children across the country. You may be wondering if there is a better alternative out there that doesn't compromise on security and visibility. Security screens with stainless steel meshes provide a suitable alternative to using too much glass.

Meshes made of stainless steel are durable and resistant to break-ins. They can withstand heavy contact from sharp items such as knives, baseball bats and even rocks. These meshes also provide the same benefits that other security screens provide. They keep bugs out while allowing fresh air to come in.

Here are some benefits that using stainless steel security screens in your school can provide.

A durable and secure option

As a school administrator, your top concern should be the safety of your children. While thick glass panels on your doors may be a secure option against intruders, they still present a risk to your students.

A much simpler yet more durable option is to install security screens with a stainless steel mesh. These screens are even more durable than some type of glass, and they look equally attractive. In addition, security screens still allow light and air to freely pass through. They secure your students and school items by being resistant to tears, breakage and inclement weather.

Easy to maintain

Stainless steel meshes are also quite easy to maintain. As opposed to glass doors that require frequent cleaning, your security screens can be quickly wiped down in one cleaning motion.

Even if children at your school play with the meshes all day, they're unlikely to break them, and you can clean the screens with ease. No need to worry about replacing broken glass.

Protection from dust and debris

Stainless steel security meshes also offer protection from dust and debris. This is important because allergens can affect the health of children while at school. The fine meshes of these security screens help to filter out large dust particles while allowing a constant stream of fresh air. Therefore, your hallways, dining locations and libraries will remain secure and healthy.


Stainless steel security meshes control how much a person can view your school from the outside. In fact, if you stand at a distance from a door fitted with this meshwork, you won't be able to see inside the premises.

Stainless steel meshes thus provide the perfect balance between privacy and comfort. They allow kids to receive enough natural light while keeping curious onlookers in the dark. 
